通过自定义 Prompts,让 Readwise Reader 为文章优化标题、添加中文摘要

本文介绍了如何使用 Readwise Reader 的自定义 prompts 功能,为 RSS Feed 生成优化后的中文标题和摘要,方便读者快速浏览并过滤值得阅读的文章。

Bulletin 是一款具有 AI 功能的 RSS 阅读器,能够根据文章内容,生成优化后的标题,避免「标题党」文章对读者造成干扰:

但这款应用只支持 Apple 生态。而我的主力阅读设备,是一款运行 Android 的电子墨水屏手机,所以我选择了跨平台的 Readwise Reader。

近期,Readwise Reader 增加了一个功能,能够通过自定义 Prompts,自动对文章进行总结和摘要。我们可以利用这一功能,在文章摘要区域显示 AI 优化后的标题,实现类似 Bulletin 的效果。


如下内容修改自 Readwise Reader 自带的文章摘要 prompt,在自带 prompt 的基础上,增加了生成文章标题、生成中文摘要的内容。复制粘贴到设置页面的 Ghostreader prompts / Automatic prompts / Summarize the document 中即可使用:

Generate a clear, easy-to-read title and a three-sentence summary for the following text in Simplified Chinese:

Title: {{ document.title }}
Author: {{ document.author }}
Domain: {{ document.domain}}
{% if (document.content | count_tokens) > 2000 %}
{{ document.content | central_sentences | join('\n\n') }}
{% else %}
{{ document.content }}
{% endif %}

IMPORTANT: The output should be in the format "《New Title》 Summary". The new generated title should be clear, easy-to-read, and different from the original title. The summary should consist of THREE sentences. Each sentence should be short and easy-to-read. Use words sparingly and please capture the big idea. You must reply in Simplified Chinese.

如果订阅的 RSS 源质量较高,不存在太多的「标题党」文章,也可以实现仅为非中文内容添加标题:

{% if document.language  == "Chinese" %}

Generate a three-sentence summary for the following text in Simplified Chinese:

Title: {{ document.title }}
Author: {{ document.author }}
Domain: {{ document.domain}}
{% if (document.content | count_tokens) > 2000 %}
{{ document.content | central_sentences | join('\n\n') }}
{% else %}
{{ document.content }}
{% endif %}

IMPORTANT: The summary should consist of THREE sentences. Each sentence should be short and easy-to-read. Use words sparingly and please capture the big idea. You must reply in Simplified Chinese.

{% else %}

Generate a clear, easy-to-read title and a three-sentence summary for the following text in Simplified Chinese:

Title: {{ document.title }}
Author: {{ document.author }}
Domain: {{ document.domain}}
{% if (document.content | count_tokens) > 2000 %}
{{ document.content | central_sentences | join('\n\n') }}
{% else %}
{{ document.content }}
{% endif %}

IMPORTANT: The output should be in the format "《New Title》 Summary". The new generated title should be clear, easy-to-read, and different from the original title. The summary should consist of THREE sentences. Each sentence should be short and easy-to-read. Use words sparingly and please capture the big idea. You must reply in Simplified Chinese.

{% endif %}



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